Friday, February 14, 2025

Trident et le ministère des Postes, des Télécommunications et des Technologies numériques de la République démocratique du Congo signent un accord pour la mise en œuvre du Système national d’identité numérique


SINGAPOUR, 12 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trident Digital Tech Holdings Ltd (« Trident » ou la « Société », NASDAQ : TDTH), un catalyseur majeur de la transformation numérique dans les services d’optimisation technologique et d’activation Web 3.0 basé à Singapour, a annoncé aujourd’hui la signature d’un accord de mise en œuvre avec le ministère des Postes, des Télécommunications et des Technologies numériques de la République démocratique du Congo (« RDC » ou la « République »). Cet accord marque le début du déploiement du Système national d’identité numérique.

Cet accord de collaboration préliminaire détermine le lancement opérationnel d’une plateforme globale d’identification et d’authentification numérique en RDC. Il officialise la collaboration initiale entre Trident et la République démocratique du Congo, qui évolue de la planification stratégique à l’exécution contractuelle.

Cet accord décrit des livrables spécifiques, notamment le développement et le déploiement d’un système intégré de vérification et d’authentification de l’identité numérique basé sur une infrastructure sécurisée pour la fourniture de services gouvernementaux.

En outre, ce système intégrera de solides mesures de protection des données alignées sur les normes internationales afin de garantir la sécurité et la confidentialité des informations des citoyens. Ces éléments fondamentaux visent à révolutionner les interactions entre les citoyens et le gouvernement et marquent ainsi une étape majeure vers une nation numériquement intégrée. Cette technologie profitera également aux citoyens en améliorant l’efficacité et la sécurité des services gouvernementaux, tout en garantissant le contrôle et le consentement des utilisateurs.

Déclarations de l’équipe de direction

Soon Huat Lim, fondateur, président et directeur général de Trident, a déclaré :

« La signature de cet accord représente une étape cruciale dans notre mission de fournir aux citoyens de la RDC des services d’identité numérique sécurisés et accessibles. En travaillant directement avec le ministère des Postes, des Télécommunications et des Technologies numériques, nous mettrons en œuvre des systèmes avancés de vérification et d’authentification de l’identité numérique qui serviront de pierre angulaire à la transformation numérique de la RDC. Cette phase de mise en œuvre se concentrera sur la construction d’une infrastructure robuste afin que chaque citoyen puisse accéder en toute sécurité aux services gouvernementaux grâce à une identité numérique vérifiée. »

Il a ajouté :

« Les systèmes que nous développons établiront de nouvelles normes pour la gouvernance numérique en Afrique, tout en créant un modèle reproductible pour les pays en développement. Ce partenariat est un parfait exemple de la manière dont une technologie innovante peut être exploitée pour générer des changements significatifs dans le quotidien des gens. »

Augustin Kibassa Maliba, ministre des Postes, des Télécommunications et des Technologies numériques de la RDC, a déclaré :

« Le système d’identité numérique est un pilier fondamental de la modernisation de notre pays par le biais de la transformation numérique. Avec Trident, nous serons en mesure de fournir à nos citoyens un accès sécurisé et efficace aux services gouvernementaux, tout en protégeant leurs données personnelles grâce aux progrès de la technologie blockchain. Ce partenariat démontre notre engagement à tirer parti de solutions innovantes dans l’intérêt de tous les Congolais. La mise en œuvre de cette transformation numérique se traduit par la construction d’infrastructures, mais aussi par la création de nouvelles opportunités de croissance économique et d’inclusion sociale. »

À propos de Trident

Basé à Singapour, Trident est un catalyseur pionnier de la transformation numérique dans les secteurs de l’optimisation numérique, les services technologiques et l’activation Web 3.0 à l’échelle mondiale. Cette société propose des solutions numériques commerciales et technologiques conçues pour optimiser l’expérience de ses clients auprès de leurs utilisateurs finaux en favorisant l’adoption du numérique et le libre accès.

Tridentity, son produit phare, est une solution d’identité innovante et hautement sécurisée basée sur la blockchain, conçue pour fournir des capacités d’authentification unique sécurisées aux systèmes tiers intégrés dans divers secteurs. Tridentity entend proposer des fonctionnalités de sécurité inédites afin de garantir la protection des informations sensibles et prévenir les menaces potentielles, promettant ainsi une nouvelle ère sécurisée dans le paysage numérique mondial en général, en Asie du Sud-Est, etc.

Au-delà de Tridentity, la mission de Trident est de devenir le leader mondial de l’activation Web 3.0, en connectant notamment les entreprises à une plateforme technologique fiable et sécurisée, avec des expériences client sur mesure et optimisées.

Clause de non-responsabilité

La présente annonce contient des « déclarations prospectives » (« forward-looking statements ») au sens des dispositions de la « sphère de sécurité » (« safe harbor ») du Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995 des États-Unis. Ces déclarations prospectives peuvent être identifiées par l’emploi de termes tels que « sera », « s’attend », « prévoit », « entend », « futur », « a l’intention », « planifie », « croit », « estime », « susceptible de » et d’autres expressions de même sens. La Société peut également faire des déclarations prospectives écrites ou orales dans ses rapports périodiques à la Securities and Exchange Commission des États-Unis (la « SEC »), dans son rapport annuel aux actionnaires, dans des annonces et autres documents écrits, ainsi que dans des déclarations orales faites par ses dirigeants, administrateurs ou employés à des tiers. Les déclarations ne relevant pas de faits historiques, y compris les déclarations concernant les convictions, les projets et les attentes de la Société, constituent des déclarations prospectives. Les déclarations prospectives impliquent des risques et des incertitudes inhérents, y compris la possibilité qu’un accord définitif ne soit pas conclu comme le prévoit l’accord de collaboration préliminaire évoqué dans la présente annonce, et la possibilité que le système e-GOV ne se concrétise pas comme le prévoit l’accord de collaboration préliminaire ou un accord définitif éventuellement conclu. En raison d’un certain nombre de facteurs, les résultats réels pourraient différer sensiblement de ceux contenus dans des déclarations prospectives, y compris, sans toutefois s’y limiter, les éléments suivants : les stratégies, le développement commercial futur, la situation financière et les résultats d’exploitation de la Société ; la croissance attendue du marché des solutions numériques ; les évolutions politiques, économiques, sociales et juridiques dans les juridictions où la Société opère ou dans lesquelles la Société a l’intention de développer ses activités et ses opérations ; la capacité de la Société à maintenir et à améliorer sa marque. De plus amples informations concernant ces risques et d’autres risques sont incluses dans les documents déposés par la Société auprès de la SEC. Toutes les informations contenues dans la présente annonce sont fournies à la date des présentes, et la Société décline toute obligation de mettre à jour les déclarations prospectives, sauf si la loi applicable l’exige.

Contacts investisseurs et médias

Relations avec les investisseurs
Robin Yang, Associé
E-mail : 
Téléphone : +1 (212) 321-0602

Relations avec les médias
Brad Burgess, Vice-président principal
E-mail : 

Une photo accompagnant la présente annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Copyright © 2025 GlobeNewswire, Inc.

Trident and the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications, and Digital Technology of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Sign an Agreement for the Implementation of the National Digital Identity System


SINGAPORE, Feb. 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trident Digital Tech Holdings Ltd (“Trident” or the “Company,” NASDAQ: TDTH), a leading catalyst for digital transformation in technology optimization services and Web 3.0 activation based in Singapore, today announced the signing of an implementation agreement with the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications, and Digital Technology of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“DRC” or the “Republic”). This agreement marks the beginning of the deployment of the national digital identity system.

This preliminary collaboration agreement signifies the operational launch of a comprehensive digital identification and authentication platform in the DRC. It formalizes the initial collaboration between Trident and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, transitioning from strategic planning to contractual execution.

The agreement outlines specific deliverables, including the development and deployment of an integrated digital identity verification and authentication system based on a secure infrastructure for delivering government services.

Furthermore, the system will incorporate robust data protection measures aligned with international standards, ensuring the security and confidentiality of citizens’ information. These fundamental elements aim to revolutionize interactions between citizens and the government, marking a major step toward a digitally integrated nation. This technology will also benefit citizens by enhancing the efficiency and security of government services while ensuring user control and consent.

Statements from Leadership

Soon Huat Lim, Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Trident, stated:

“The signing of this agreement represents a crucial milestone in our mission to provide the citizens of the DRC with secure and accessible digital identity services. By working directly with the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications, and Digital Technology, we will implement advanced digital identity verification and authentication systems that will serve as the cornerstone of the DRC’s digital transformation. This implementation phase will focus on building a robust infrastructure, ensuring that every citizen can securely access government services through a verified digital identity.”

He added:

“The systems we are developing will establish new standards for digital governance in Africa while creating a replicable model for developing nations. This partnership is a prime example of how innovative technology can be leveraged to drive meaningful change in people’s daily lives.”

H.E. Augustin Kibassa Maliba, Minister of Posts, Telecommunications, and Digital Technology of the DRC, commented:

“The Digital Identity System is a key pillar in modernizing our country through digital transformation. With Trident, we will be able to provide our citizens with secure and efficient access to government services while protecting their personal data through advancements in blockchain technology. This partnership demonstrates our commitment to leveraging innovative solutions for the benefit of all Congolese. By implementing this digital transformation, we are not only building infrastructure but also creating new opportunities for economic growth and social inclusion.”

About Trident

Trident is a leading catalyst for digital transformation in digital optimization, technology services, and Web 3.0 activation worldwide based in Singapore. The Company offers commercial and technological digital solutions designed to optimize its clients’ experience with their end-users by promoting digital adoption and self-service.

Tridentity, the Company’s flagship product, is an innovative and highly secure blockchain-based identity solution designed to provide secure single sign-on authentication capabilities to integrated third-party systems across various industries. Tridentity aims to offer unparalleled security features, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and preventing potential threats, thus promising a new secure era in the global digital landscape in general, and in Southeast Asia etc.

Beyond Tridentity, the Company’s mission is to become the global leader in Web 3.0 activation, notably connecting businesses to a reliable and secure technological platform, with tailored and optimized customer experiences.

Safe Harbor Statement

This announcement contains statements that may constitute “forward-looking” statements pursuant to the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “aims,” “future,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “likely to,” and similar statements. The Company may also make written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), in its annual report to shareholders, in announcements and other written materials, and in oral statements made by its officers, directors, or employees to third parties. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the Company’s beliefs, plans, and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, including the possibility that a definitive agreement will not be concluded as contemplated under the preliminary collaboration agreement discussed in this announcement, and the possibility that the e-GOV system will not materialize as contemplated under the preliminary collaboration agreement or a definitive agreement if and once concluded. A number of factors could also cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to the following: the Company’s strategies, future business development, and financial condition and results of operations; the expected growth of the digital solutions market; the political, economic, social and legal developments in the jurisdictions that the Company operates in or in which the Company intends to expand its business and operations; the Company’s ability to maintain and enhance its brand. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in the Company’s filings with the SEC. All information provided in this announcement is as of the date of this announcement, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law.

Investor and Media Contacts

Investor Relations
Robin Yang, Partner
Phone: +1 (212) 321-0602

Media Relations
Brad Burgess, SVP

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Copyright © 2025 GlobeNewswire, Inc.

Kinaxis Settles Pending Litigation

OTTAWA, Ontario - Thursday, 13. February 2025

(BUSINESS WIRE)--Kinaxis® (TSX: KXS), a global leader in end-to-end supply chain orchestration, has entered into a settlement agreement with Blue Yonder Group, Inc. to fully resolve all pending litigation matters between the companies which includes Blue Yonder’s patent infringement claims and Kinaxis’ trade secret misappropriation counterclaims.

The terms of the settlement agreement are confidential.

About Kinaxis

Kinaxis is a global leader in modern supply chain orchestration, powering complex global supply chains and supporting the people who manage them, in service of humanity. Our powerful, AI-infused supply chain orchestration platform, Maestro™ combines proprietary technologies and techniques that provide full transparency and agility across the entire supply chain — from multi-year strategic planning to last-mile delivery. We are trusted by renowned global brands to provide the agility and predictability needed to navigate today’s volatility and disruption. For more news and information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Information

Certain statements in this release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements include statements as to Kinaxis' growth opportunities and the potential benefits of, and demand for, Kinaxis’ products and services. These statements are subject to certain assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including our view of the relative position of Kinaxis' products and services compared to competitive offerings in the industry. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such statements. Kinaxis' actual results, performance, achievements and developments may differ materially from the results, performance, achievements or developments expressed or implied by such statements. Risk factors that may cause the actual results, performance, achievements or developments of Kinaxis to differ materially from the results, performance, achievements or developments expressed or implied by such statements can be found in the public documents filed by Kinaxis with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Kinaxis assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by law.


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Media Relations
Belinda Thomas | Kinaxis
+1 613 322 9305

Investor Relations
Rick Wadsworth | Kinaxis

The smarter E Europe: Smart Integration Saves Cash and Stabilizes Grids

MUNICH & PFORZHEIM, Germany - Thursday, 13. February 2025 AETOSWire

(BUSINESS WIRE)--‘Accelerating Integrated Energy Solutions’ - this is the motto of The smarter E Europe 2025, which will take place this year from 7 to 9 May at Messe München. Smart integration is crucial in the evolving energy and mobility sectors. Energy management systems (EMS) for prosumers and businesses have shifted from a nice-to-have to a must-have, making them a key topic at this year’s event.

GridX, a smart energy company, estimates that the European Home Energy Management System (HEMS) market will expand 11-fold by 2030 across Denmark, Germany, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, and Spain. This rapid growth reflects increasing demand and evolving regulations.

Regulatory and market requirements

Regulations such as Section 14a of Germany’s Energy Industry Act (EnWG) allow grid operators to control the power output of heat pumps, EV chargers, and battery storage systems. A robust EMS can optimize energy use, reducing reliance on the grid without compromising user comfort.

The challenge of interoperability

Interoperability remains a challenge, with ongoing discussions about standardization. Manufacturer-independent solutions allow greater flexibility for customers. At The smarter E Europe, top industry leaders will address interoperability concerns, emphasizing open standards. In 2018, the OpenEMS Association took a leading role in supporting efforts to create open and manufacturer-independent standards for energy management systems. OpenEMS is not a communication protocol, such as EEBus, but a software platform. The Association counts universities and research institutes, grid operators and industry associations as well as energy management companies among its members.

Focus event hosted by pv magazine and The smarter E Forum

Home energy management is also going to be discussed at the focus event hosted by pv magazine on the second exhibition day, May 8, 2025. Two interactive sessions will shed light on key aspects of quality photovoltaics and storage projects in the small and utility-scale sectors. pv magazine invites interested visitors to ICM – International Congress Center Messe München, room 13, from 1:00pm–5:00pm. It will be held in German. A separate, English-speaking session aimed at an international expert audience will focus on optimizing large-scale storage systems and the quality assurance of planning, design and marketing. Click here to register for the event.

The smarter E Forum will be organizing a dedicated session for prosumer home energy management systems. On Friday, May 9, the key role of HEMS for modern energy management and grid stability will be discussed starting from 1:30pm.

Munich becomes the center of the energy world

In May, at Messe München, innovation will meet practice, and visions will meet concrete solutions. The smarter E Europe shows how the sectors electricity, heat and transportation can be intelligently connected to create a decentralized, digitalized and flexible energy world. From May 7–9, 2025, Messe München is fully booked – the organizers expect more than 3,000 exhibitors and over 110,000 visitors at the exhibition ground covering 206,000 square meters across 19 exhibition halls and the Outdoor Area.


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Press contact:
ressourcenmangel an der Panke GmbH | Schlesische Straße 26/c4 |10997 Berlin
Roberto Freiberger | Tel.: +49 163 8430 943

Solar Promotion GmbH | Postfach 100 170 | 75101 Pforzheim
Peggy Härter-Zilay | Tel.: +49 7231 58598-240

Dubai achieves world’s lowest electricity Customer Minutes Lost (CML) at 0.94 minutes per year, breaking its 2023 record


Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 12 February 2025: HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), announced that DEWA achieved the world’s lowest electricity Customer Minutes Lost (CML) in 2024, recording just 0.94 minutes per customer. This breaks its record of 1.06 minutes in 2023 and is significantly lower than the 15-minute average of leading European utilities.

"We are guided by the vision and directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to make Dubai the world’s best city for quality of life. To achieve this, we continuously develop Dubai's electricity and water infrastructure through innovation, which we adopt as a key approach to managing facilities through a smart and interconnected network. This enables us to deliver our services according to the highest standards of quality, availability, reliability, efficiency and sustainability, supporting the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan and the Dubai Economic Agenda (D33), which aims to position Dubai among the world’s top three cities. We have reduced the Customer Minutes Lost in Dubai from 6.88 minutes per year in 2012 to just 0.94 minutes in 2024. This emphasises our leadership in innovation and adopting the latest disruptive technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to enhance DEWA’s resilience, agility and readiness to meet the growing demand for electricity and water in Dubai," said HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer.

"The Smart Grid, which we are implementing in stages with AED 7 billion investments up to 2035, has been instrumental in achieving this milestone. It provides advanced features, including enhanced energy transmission and distribution efficiency, reduced losses and improved electric load management. A key programme launched under the Smart Grid is the Automatic Smart Grid Restoration System, the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa. It increases the control, management and monitoring of the power network. Operating around the clock without human intervention, it uses smart, innovative and centralised systems to locate faults, isolate them and automatically restore service, enhancing grid automation, fault detection and rapid service restoration," added Al Tayer.



*Source: AETOSWire



Shaikha Almheiri

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority



Andersen Global Enhances Legal Capabilities in Denmark

SAN FRANCISCO - Thursday, 13. February 2025

(BUSINESS WIRE)--Andersen Global enhances legal capabilities in Denmark through a Collaboration Agreement with Hansen TaxLegal, a high net worth and international lax law firm based in Copenhagen.

Hansen TaxLegal consists of seasoned professionals with decades of experience in the tax law sector and deep experience with the Danish tax administration. They serve a diverse clientele, including legal professionals, accountants, high-net-worth individuals, capital funds, companies, and primary shareholders. Consistently recognized by Chambers and Partners as a leading firm, the team specializes in developing strategic, client-centric solutions for wealth management, civil law, succession planning, foundations and trust, risk management, transfer pricing, restructuring, purchase and sale agreements, and tax advisory services.

“As a firm dedicated to delivering substantial results for our clients, we focus on seeing solutions where others see challenges,” said Managing Partner Jan Hansen. “Our team includes experienced professionals with Andersen and Big Four roots who bring a strategic perspective to client engagements, ensuring we meet client goals effectively. Our collaboration with Andersen Global allows us to broaden the scope of our services, providing even more value to our clients both locally and internationally.”

Mark Vorsatz, Andersen Global’s Chairman and CEO, added, “Hansen TaxLegal is highly regarded for their deep local knowledge and unwavering commitment to creating value for clients. We’ve maintained a mutually beneficial relationship with Jan and his team for a number of years, making this collaboration the ideal next step. Their expertise in high net worth and international tax matters positions them as a strong addition to our global organization, further establishing a seamless, multidisciplinary platform in the region and reinforcing our ability to meet the evolving needs of clients in Denmark and beyond.”

Andersen Global is an international association of legally separate, independent member firms comprised of tax, legal, and valuation professionals worldwide. Established in 2013 by U.S. member firm Andersen Tax LLC, Andersen Global now has more than 18,000 professionals across over 500 locations worldwide through its member and collaborating firms.


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Megan Tsuei

Andersen Global



Energy Vault to Supply Victorian Government-Owned Renewable Energy Company with 100 MW/200 MWh Battery Energy Storage System


State Electricity Commission (SEC) Renewable Energy Park - Horsham BESS to provide flexible, grid-scale energy storage solution, supporting the delivery of affordable and reliable renewable energy to more than 50,000 Australian homes while enhancing grid stability

Collaboration serves as a further expansion of Energy Vault’s rapidly-growing commercial footprint in the Australian market following previously announced project awards totaling 1.9 GWh of energy storage

(BUSINESS WIRE)--Energy Vault (NYSE: NRGV) ("Energy Vault" or the “Company”), a global leader in sustainable energy storage solutions, today announced an agreement with Victorian government-owned renewable energy company, the State Electricity Commission (SEC) for the delivery and integration of a 100 MW/200 MWh battery energy storage system (BESS) at the SEC Renewable Energy Park - Horsham, in Victoria. This hybrid solar and BESS project represents a significant step forward in supporting Victoria's transition to renewable, reliable, and affordable energy.

The SEC Renewable Energy Park - Horsham is one of Australia’s first 100% publicly owned, utility-scale renewable energy projects. The project includes over 212,000 photovoltaic solar panels generating 119MW of solar power, capable of generating 242,000 MWh annually. Energy Vault’s integration of a grid-forming BESS will provide firm, dispatchable power to meet peak demand periods with a two-hour storage duration.

The $370 million investment by SEC will deliver enough renewable energy to power approximately 51,000 homes, creating approximately 246 jobs during construction and driving economic benefits for the Horsham region. Preconstruction works at the SEC Renewable Energy Park - Horsham began this week, and full operational status is expected to be achieved by late 2027.

The BESS system will be built with Energy Vault’s proprietary X-VAULT™ integration platform using the Company’s proprietary UL9540 certified B-VAULT™ product, and VaultOS™ Energy Management System to control, manage and optimize the Hybrid BESS operations. Energy Vault’s innovative system architecture provides customer optionality with both battery and inverter suppliers, while unique AC-coupled and DC-coupled configurations provide the drop-in flexibility needed for any project.

“We are pleased to further expand our footprint of energy storage systems in the dynamic and rapidly growing Australian market and work with SEC on this innovative hybrid project architecture,” said Robert Piconi, Chairman and CEO, Energy Vault. “As our first government collaboration, this publicly-owned project is well-aligned with our mission to accelerate the clean energy transition through sustainable and efficient energy storage solutions and will play a pivotal role in ensuring the availability of renewable energy.”

“We’re looking forward to working with Energy Vault on the delivery and integration of the battery storage system at the SEC Renewable Energy Park – Horsham,” said SEC CEO Chris Miller. “This project demonstrates SEC’s ongoing efforts to drive Victoria’s transition to renewables.”

Today’s announcement marks a key advancement of Energy Vault’s growing commercial footprint in the Australian market, following a series of recent agreements, including with Enervest and ACEN Australia for BESS deployments. To date, Energy Vault’s B-VAULT portfolio consists of more than 2GWh in total projects either deployed or currently in development.

About Energy Vault

Energy Vault® develops and deploys utility-scale energy storage solutions designed to transform the world's approach to sustainable energy storage. The Company's comprehensive offerings include proprietary gravity-based storage, battery storage, and green hydrogen energy storage technologies. Each storage solution is supported by the Company’s hardware technology-agnostic energy management system software and integration platform. Unique to the industry, Energy Vault’s innovative technology portfolio delivers customized short-and-long-duration energy storage solutions to help utilities, independent power producers, and large industrial energy users significantly reduce levelized energy costs while maintaining power reliability. Utilizing eco-friendly materials with the ability to integrate waste materials for beneficial reuse, Energy Vault’s gravity-based energy storage technology is facilitating the shift to a circular economy while accelerating the global clean energy transition for its customers. Please visit for more information.

About the SEC

The SEC is a government-owned renewable energy company focused on:

Investing in renewable energy and storage projects that accelerate the transition and deliver sustainable returns;

Supporting households to go all-electric to reduce their energy bills and emissions; and

Building the renewable energy workforce our energy transition requires.

Learn more at

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes forward-looking statements that reflect the Company’s current views with respect to, among other things, the Company’s operations and financial performance, including the Horsham BESS. Forward-looking statements include information concerning possible or assumed future results of operations, including descriptions of our business plan and strategies. These statements often include words such as “anticipate,” “expect,” “suggest,” “plan,” “believe,” “intend,” “project,” “forecast,” “estimates,” “targets,” “projections,” “should,” “could,” “would,” “may,” “might,” “will” and other similar expressions. We base these forward-looking statements or projections on our current expectations, plans, and assumptions, which we have made in light of our experience in our industry, as well as our perceptions of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors we believe are appropriate under the circumstances at the time. These forward-looking statements are based on our beliefs, assumptions, and expectations of future performance, taking into account the information currently available to us. These forward-looking statements are only predictions based upon our current expectations and projections about future events. These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results, level of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including the failure to execute definitive agreements, changes in our strategy, expansion plans, customer opportunities, future operations, future financial position, estimated revenues and losses, projected costs, prospects and plans; the uncertainly of our awards, bookings, backlog, timing of permits and developed pipeline equating to future revenue; the lack of assurance that non-binding letters of intent and other indication of interest can result in binding orders or sales; the possibility of our products to be or alleged to be defective or experience other failures; the implementation, market acceptance and success of our business model and growth strategy; our ability to develop and maintain our brand and reputation; developments and projections relating to our business, our competitors, and industry; the ability of our suppliers to deliver necessary components or raw materials for construction of our energy storage systems in a timely manner; the impact of health epidemics, on our business and the actions we may take in response thereto; our expectations regarding our ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection and not infringe on the rights of others; expectations regarding the time during which we will be an emerging growth company under the JOBS Act; our future capital requirements and sources and uses of cash; the international nature of our operations and the impact of war or other hostilities on our business and global markets; our ability to obtain funding for our operations and future growth; our business, expansion plans and opportunities and other important factors discussed under the caption “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the SEC on March 13, 2024, as such factors may be updated from time to time in its other filings with the SEC, accessible on the SEC’s website at New risks emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for our management to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements we may make. Any forward-looking statement made by us in this press release speaks only as of the date of this press release and is expressly qualified in its entirety by the cautionary statements included in this press release. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required by any applicable laws. You should not place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements.


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Energy Vault Contacts



SEC Contacts